by The Fit Girl Reporter on
September 22, 2016

Our Top Five Motivational Books for Women

Even non-readers enjoy dabbling in a book for inspiration every now and then.

We’ve found the best five books to motivate women in all areas of their life, including: career, confidence, love and more.

Add these to your list.




The Confidence Code, by Katty Kay and Claire Shipman

We all need some more self-confidence and this book is a great resource to help you believe in yourself. It’s well-researched to provide women with an understanding as to why we lack more confidence than men.

Overcome your perfectionism and start to love yourself for exactly who you are.


Big Magic: Living Beyond Fear, by Elizabeth Gilbert

No matter what you want to accomplish in life, it’s probably fear holding you back. This book is aimed at the ambitious women who want to accomplish great things, but need help reducing their anxiety.


Ask For It, by Linda Babcock and Sara Laschever

Regardless of what it is you’re craving in life – a promotion, help with assignments, affection from your partner etc., you won’t always be handed what you want.

This book encourages you to develop a strategy in setting goals and having the guts to tell the world what you want… and more importantly, get it!


Codependent No More, by Melody Beattie

Don’t we all want to fix other people and even the world? We allow a lot of unhappiness from other sources and people to hurt us; enough so that we try to control it. But we can’t.

This book has saved people’s lives and helped them to understand that you do not always have the power to change the world.


Outliers: The Story of Success, by Malcolm Gladwell

Everybody wants success – whether if you work for yourself or someone else. What’s the difference between a successful person and one who doesn’t enjoy their life? Most often, it’s outside factors.

Indulge in this book if you’re looking to transform your life or even change your career.


Women are powerful creatures, but sometimes we can lose direction in our lives. A good read will re-direct your route and have you ready to conquer anything just a few pages in.

Get reading. Get inspired!

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