by The Fit Girl Reporter on
September 16, 2016

Yoga Moves To Ease Menstrual Cramps

When it’s that time of the month, the last thing you want to think about is exercising. Throbbing pains in the abdomen and an aching back make it challenging to walk around the house, let alone put your running shoes on.

But we all know that exercise releases endorphins – a feel-good chemical and natural pain suppressant. So don’t let mother nature ruin your gym dedication.



Exercises For Period Pains

Yoga relaxes you and relieves any body tension you may have. So here are some effective yoga moves to combat period pains.



Yoga Moves For Menstrual Cramps






When it’s that time of the month, don’t skip the gym, but do take it easy for one day. Your body deserves to be looked after, so take 15-30 minutes to perform these moves and ease your menstrual cramps.

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