3 Basic Steps to a Successful Post-Workout Meal
After finishing a heavy workout, you might feel tempted to go home and indulge in a greasy burger or a few scoops of ice cream. Even though you know that eating these foods are not good for you, preparing a healthy, post-workout meal might sounds like too much effort, especially after a tiring workout. However, with a little bit of planning and motivation, whipping up a solid meal should be no sweat. The little extra time will give you plenty of extra energy in the long run. Follow these three basic principles and your post-workout meal will always be a success.
Set realistic goals. If you tell yourself that you will only eat salad at every meal, that plan will be sure to backfire. Setting unrealistic goals for meals will cause you to easily regress to old eating habits and will not lead to a consistent, healthy routine in the long run. Start by knowing yourself, your body’s needs and whether you have access to fresh, local produce in your neighborhood. Thinking your way through the process will help you scale down and initiate more realistic goals for your meals.
Research. Look up and read about what meals you could make after your workout. Whether it is finding health-fitness blogs online or subscribing to a workout magazine, there are plenty of ways to find the right meals that will fit your lifestyle.
When choosing recipes, aim for simple, especially if you lead a busy life and may not have the time to put together an extravagant dish. Remember: sometimes the simplest dishes are the most delicious. Also, make sure to check if your local supermarket sells the ingredients that the recipes call for.
Prepare the day (or week) before. You have just purchased all of your ingredients- now, it’s time to prepare the meals. However, instead of only fixing up one meal for that day, expand it to include the rest of the week. Preparing ahead will save you the time and stress after a long, tiring day, as well as keep you on track with your post-workout meal regimen.
For instance, if you plan to make whole wheat pasta with tomatoes, cook the whole bag of pasta during the weekend, and divvy up the leftovers into plates for each day of the weekday. Chop up the tomatoes in advance, store them in an air-tight container, and refrigerate any remaining sauce to be heated up and used later in the week. By doing this, having a healthy meal will be so much easier. Giving yourself the nutrients you need after a workout will make you stronger, healthier, and all-around satisfied.